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Ornelas Family Dentistry Blog

I Just Knocked Out a Tooth; What Now?

August 11, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — ornelasdental @ 8:28 pm

While everyone would rather avoid knocking out a tooth, nobody can anticipate when it’s going to happen—meaning that it’s important to understand what to do if it happens. A tooth’s chances of being saved begin to fall shortly after being separated from the mouth, so you’ll need to act fast if it ever happens to you. Ideally, you will get the tooth to an emergency dentist within one hour of it being dislodged. Here are some steps for taking care of your tooth after it gets knocked out and transporting it to the dentist’s office.


How to Keep Your Dentures White and Bright

July 15, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — ornelasdental @ 5:49 pm

Person cleaning their dentures in a sinkNothing is more exciting than slipping a new set of dentures into your mouth. Advancements in technologies and materials allow them to look and feel more realistic than ever before. You will have a beautiful smile that you’ll want to show off. However, your new teeth can discolor over time if you aren’t careful. Don’t worry. Here’s how to keep your dentures their brightest.


Can Toothpicks Harm Your Smile?

July 12, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — ornelasdental @ 5:03 pm
A clear glass filled with toothpicks

Nobody enjoys the unsavory feeling of having bits of food debris hiding in the crevices of their smile. Despite their name, dentists generally don’t recommend toothpicks to pick things out of the spaces between your teeth. Although they are convenient, they can actually negatively affect your oral health, especially if you’re a regular user. Here’s how toothpicks are bad for your teeth and what you can use instead.


3 Reasons You Shouldn’t Go for DIY Replacement Teeth

June 19, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — ornelasdental @ 3:05 pm
a woman in Crown Point holding her dentures

If you’re struggling with tooth loss, then you’ll want to address it by getting replacement teeth sooner rather than later. Some people in this situation have even begun to consider DIY options for restoring their bites, especially since these products seem to be more cost-effective. However, this couldn’t be further from the truth. While trying to save money with these options, you might end up encountering more problems in the long run. Here are three major reasons why you should avoid DIY replacement teeth, and instead visit your dentist for help.


Can You Reline Dentures on Your Own?

May 17, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — ornelasdental @ 6:18 am
A hand holding a removable denture

If you wear dentures, you likely know they need regular upkeep. These restorations, after all, aren’t foolproof; they’ll work poorly without proper care. That said, you shouldn’t reline dentures yourself. This action is risky and might ruin the prosthetic teeth. Instead, you ought to see a local dentist for denture relining. If you want to learn more about the matter, it’s easy enough to explain. Here’s a summary of denture relining, the risks of trying it yourself, and why to leave it to a qualified dentist.


Common Reasons & Solutions for Lower Denture Slippage

April 8, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — ornelasdental @ 6:52 am
a dentist showing a replica of dentures to explain lower slippage

Completing your smile with dentures has many benefits. Not only do they instantly improve your appearance, but they are also relatively easy to maintain. Additionally, they provide the functionality of having a full set of teeth, such as eating and speaking with ease. However, your lower dentures may sometimes slip and have a hard time staying in place. Read on to learn the possible reasons for the slippage and tips on how to secure your smile!


Is Dry Socket Something I Should Worry About?

March 8, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — ornelasdental @ 12:41 am
Woman with toothache

Today, tooth extractions are a very safe treatment. However, just like any procedure, having a tooth extracted comes with risks. Even though it is very uncommon, it is important to take steps to prevent dry socket. This is a complication that occurs in approximately 1% of patients. Continue reading to learn more about dry socket, how to prevent it, and what to do if you think you may have it.


Reasons Why You Should Get a Smile Makeover

March 7, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — ornelasdental @ 11:21 pm

Smiling woman pointing to her teethYou can’t put a price on the benefits of having an attractive smile; however, not everyone hits the genetic jackpot. Besides your DNA, many factors can affect the appearance of your teeth, like trauma, age, or bad lifestyle habits. No matter the reason, you don’t have to feel the weight of unattractive teeth. Your cosmetic dentist can revamp your pearly whites with a smile makeover. Although they can turn the smile of your dreams into reality, is it worth the investment? Yes! Here are 4 reasons a smile makeover is worth every penny.


6 Characteristics of an Attractive Smile

February 26, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — ornelasdental @ 11:10 pm

Woman with an attractive smileResearch has found that an attractive smile is attributed to youth, success, and confidence. Not to mention, people who like the way their teeth look often feel better about their appearance. However, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, so how can you be certain you have your best smile? Believe it or not, there are 6 traits associated with an attractive smile.


4 Cosmetic Benefits of Dental Implants

January 8, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — ornelasdental @ 2:43 am

Businessman in suit Every tooth is important for a healthy, attractive smile. Losing even one can have detrimental consequences for your oral and general health, but those aren’t the only concerns. Your confidence is lost along with each tooth. Although you have many options to replace missing teeth, here are 4 cosmetic benefits you’ll enjoy by completing your smile with dental implants.


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